With the increase in the popularity of practicing YOGA, we never really get a chance to thank the people behind it. In today’s fast pacing life, yoga has bought such a peace of mind for so many of us, and yet we don’t get the time to really understand its value and its contribution in our life. But now we all can break that tradition and just start rethinking and appreciating YOGA on this day 21st June of every year which is now dedicated to yoga known as THE INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY.
On the occasion of International Yoga Day people all around the world who devote their life to yoga or even try to incorporate it in their life bring in their yoga mats and practice yoga. But would you not like to know the story behind all of this? About what is yoga? Why is it celebrated on 21st June or even who was responsible behind it?. So let’s do some digging and known a bit more about the INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY.
For those who, who are unaware of the sole practice of YOGA, let me walk you through a brief history of yoga. So Yoga is an ancient form of an exercise, but it isn’t solely for your body, the practices of yoga help to bring your mental, physical and spiritual sense together, thereby giving a feeling of oneness. The word YOGA was originally derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj’, which primarily means unite or join.
Known to be originated in India, yoga has been in practice in India for more than 5000 years now and has only grown and reached all over the world with its spirituality and consciousness. Although the practice of yoga in the western country are more leaning towards the physical aspects such as exercise, but it has more powers beholden within it than one can imagine.
Now coming to the point as to why do we celebrate it? Well with such a practice as yoga which has touched all corners of the earth and has existed for all long as 5000 yrs. its becomes very evident that it might have an essential contribution to one’s life. The day dedicated to yoga mainly aims to spread awareness about YOGA and its benefits all around the world.
The day might just encourage someone to start doing yoga or maybe only realize a bunch load of our population to make a healthier choice and follow a lifestyle that brings in peace and wholesomeness.
On 11th December 2014 the Prime Minister of India, NarendraModi put forward a universal proposal or an appeal during the opening of the 69th session of the General Assembly, to adopt an International day on 21st June of every year. In his speech, he stated:
“Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.”
— Narendra Modi, UN General Assembly
Following which the final drafts for the declaration were on its way and the WHO urged all its other fellow members to focus on the day and help the citizens of the world to remove the idea of physical inactivity, they aimed to create a world which has more active and healthier youth[1] . The appeal was accepted and recognized by the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga by resolution 69/131.
One of the sole reasons behind the date of International yoga day that was given by the PM of India, Narendra Modi was the fact that 21st June is inevitably known as the longest day of the year, his exact sayings were:
“The date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.”
The sun has significance in Indian mythology, and it has an importance in Yoga as well, 21st June is considered to have the longest day of the year with the early sunrise and late sunset. This marks as an essential event to start the day with Yoga; there are, in fact, practices of yoga where one dedicated and surrendered to the sun called Surya namaskar. June 21st, also known as the summer solstice a great occasion India with the tradition known as Daskshinaya which is known as the period of support towards spirituality and its practices. Thus stating Modi:
For us in India, respect for nature is an integral part of spiritualism. We treat nature’s bounties as sacred. Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition.
Apart from these reasons it is also believed in Indian mythology that Lord Shiva was the creator of yoga and it was him who was devoted to the practices of yoga, his practice and dedication made him the so-called “adi Guru”-the first guru of yoga. It is said that Shiva was the one who imparted the knowledge of yoga and its disciplines to seven sages on the full moon day also called as Guru Poornima in India that follows the first summer solstice which is 21st June.
And thus the day was chosen to a salute to Indian mythology and tradition, therefore, India gifts yoga to the world and the people living in it
Themes of yoga
The first International yoga day
Thus with all the benefits of yoga and its practices, one will help to seek out a path to disciple their life. So I hope with all the knowledge that you gathered from this article you would feel a little bit more inclined towards yoga and also encourage not only yourself but others around you to spare a little bit of time to walk the path of yoga.